Sahn-ı Semâ'da Bir Atışma: Gulâm (Köle) Sinan'ın Mektubu


  • Şükrü Özen Author


Ghulām Sinān, Ahī Çelebi, Sahn Medreses, Ottoman scholars, criticism, lecturer


"This study is about a letter sent by a lecturer in the Sahn Medreses to another lecturer during the reign of Sultan Bayezid II in the end of the fifteenth century. First I tried to found out his identity since the name of the author of the letter, which I came across to it in a manuscript corpus, was not recorded. Depending on some clues in the letter, I concluded that he is a lecturer called Ghulām Sinān. The receiver is Ahī Çelebi, the author of Zahīra al-‘uqbā fī sharh Sadr al-sharīa al- ‘uzmā. the letter is about tensions between the two lecturers. In this study, I transliterated the letter from Ottoman orthograph and analyzed its content.  Besides,  I  tried  to shed  light  on  the  probable  reasons  of  the  tension  by examining the works of these two scholars. The letter, which was written in a time when the tensions among the lecturers reached to a point that they would eliminate one other as seen in the example of the execution of Molla Lutfī, is a significant document in terms of demonstrating another example of tension as well as some valid customs and practices of Ottoman scholars.




