Türkçe Mektupları Işığında Ebussuûd Efendi’nin Beşerî Münâsebetleri
Ebussuud Efendi, Turkish Letter, Human RelationAbstract
As the result of investigations of munşeat magazines, we recorded 98 pieces of Turkish letters by Ebussuud Efendi. Only one of these letters bears traces of Ottoman inşa traditional decisive verse. The majority of the letters were written to members of the royal household and court and senior government officials. In addition, a number of letters were written to personal acquaintances of Ebussuud Efendi. Contents of his letters cover a variety of topics, from current affairs, fatwas, recommendations, nasihatlar, along with warnings and requests for prayers. In ad- dition, these letters provide important clues about Ottoman state traditios, religion, and wordview. This study proposes to examine in light of his Turkish letters various aspects of Ebussuud Efendi’s personal relations within the context of Ottoman social life.