Osmanlı Paşalarının Mahiyetindeki Değişim: Mukayeseli Tarih Bakımından Bir Değerlendirme
Ottoman Modernization, The Ottoman Pashas in the 19th Century and Education, Ottoman Bureaucracy, Sicill-i OsmaniAbstract
The Ottomans initiated various ventures to revamp and empower their order and organizational apparatuses which gradually expanded to different realms in the second half of the eighteenth century by looking at a rapidly progressing and developing Europe. The process of “modernization” within the scope of ”westernization,” after broadening during the reign of Selim III, became much more systematic and organized in a cohesive way in the era of Mahmut II after the incident of Vak’a-i Hayriye; i.e. the abolishment of Janissary Corps. This article examines from a com- parative historical approach how the personage and nature of Ottoman bureaucrats and pashas changed during this “modernization” epoch. Similarities and disparities in the Ottoman, Chinese, and Japanese context are also emphasized, while elaborating on the reasons why Ottoman modernization look closer to Chinese modernization.